Emergency Response - Food


Emergency Food distribution for Pregnant and Lactating Women

Afar is one of the drought prone regions with major shocks and hazards associated with the recurrence of drought that disrupts the livelihood of the people, apart from crop failure and food shortages, the recurrence of drought often aggravates the vulnerability of household livelihood through the devastation of livestock resources which is the major source of livelihood. The region is also characterized by underdeveloped infrastructure and the lack of social services where the population has the least access to social services particularly education, health, water supply, etc.

As a result of very poor performance of Sugum and Karma (June-July) rain in all parts of Afar Region, humanitarian situation has become very serious at alarming emergency stage. To curb the effect of this apparent draught situation, FSA has engaged in emergency response by distributing food supplies to children and pregnant & lactating women. A total of 750 (340 pregnant & lactating women and 410 children) received food supplies enough for 3 months consumption (June - Aug 2017).