Emergency Response - Water Trucking

water trucking - Afar Ethiopia

FSA responded to severe water shortage in Afar Regional State particularly Kori, Bidu and based on to Regional Disaster Prevention & Food Security Program Office (DPFSPO) request. Various humanitarian organizations have conducted assessments of this chronic water shortage and tried to identify the most affected district targeting to address identified gaps through emergency humanitarian support. Chronic food insecurity and drought has been a prolonged problem of Afar Region. Last year drought has been implicated with severe shortage of available pasture and drinking water. The current water shortage has also significantly increased livestock morbidity and mortality, with potentially dangerous impact on the health and nutritional status of the population, which lead to increased malnutrition and related Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) outbreaks. According to “WASH Cluster Ethiopia” August-22-2017 report, suspected cases of AWD are reported in Abala District.

Organizations that are operating in the region and the district administrations reported a serious water shortage, especially in Bidu and Kori districts.

FSA, after realizing the critical lack of access to water with in the area of WASH demanding immediate emergency intervention and considering budget limitation, has decided to distribute emergency water ratio for four kebeles (Dua, Teo, Bure and Hullena kebeles) of Bidu district and two kebeles (Gulubule and Guyah kebles) of Kori district.

This emergency water trucking was delivered with daily trucking from a nearest possible kebeles, where the required amount of water was available. A four-month emergency water trucking for was provided for Bidu district and a two-month emergency water trucking was provided for Kuri district.

With an intension of addressing related hygiene issues, ToT trainings were arranged for Community Water Committees (CWC) on health, hygiene, water storage, water treatment, sanitation promotion and a general guideline on how to oversee water distribution in the community.

For easy delivery and utilization of contamination free water, plastic fiber water containers with capacities of holding 5,000 and 10,000 liters were distributed among the kebeles of Bidu district. On top of this 500 plastic Jerry cans were distributed for IDPS and community members who do not have water receptacles. Separately in Kori district, as the two target kebeles of the woreda do have birkats, water treatment kits were distributed for the use of the community with appropriated guidance and precaution. This project was supported by Welthungerhilfe and SIM-Canada.