Afar Women and Girls Empowerment Project


Funded by the Canadian Embassy CFIL program

The most marginalized group in Afar is most often girls and young women. Particularly, education is not yet a high value for parents who have girls. With limited resources and lots of responsibilities parents often choose to support education of a single boy in the family, failing to see the potential in girls. This program seeks to flip that mental model and approach education for girls as a community driven initiative.

To enhance girls’ participation in education this project is designed to implement interventions in an integrated and holistic manner to address the multifaceted needs of Dulessa’s girls’ education. The project targets disadvantaged girls aged between 10-19, women-headed households, orphans and vulnerable children, those with special needs, and socially excluded ones.

Getting girls into school is not enough; our approach also ensures that they are taught well, and with what they learn, they are able to be valued as equal agents for social and economic change in their families, communities, schools and country.